Friday, April 17, 2020

Some Isolation Humour

People around the world are managing to keep their and other's spirits up with creative humorous ideas. Here are a few. 

A couple weeks ago the Getty Museum in LA put forth a challenge to recreate famous works of art and share them. Here are some examples. Many many more (dare I say, hundreds? they're flowing in!) wonderful recreations can be found @getty on Twitter.

Honestly, there are so many of them I'm having trouble reining myself in. Also, check out this website. Enjoy!!

I made the photo of the bookshelf below X-Large in hopes that you'll be able to see it properly and get the joke. 😂

Did you get it? Here we need to attribute the creator, Phil Shaw, a UK printmaker whose work above has been widely shared on social media. Shaw has a website and states: 

I've always been fascinated by the possibility of creating the impossible. In life we all know deep down that magic just ain't possible but at the same time we all wish that just once something magical might happen. Just beyond the surface of a picture, the membrane that separates reality from fiction, we are able to experience the impossible. My world, the world beyond the picture plain, abound with strange coincidences, contradictions and paradoxes; it's where I live. 

My world is a place where humour is a serious matter, and its purpose is not simply to raise a laugh but to call attention to the puzzling absurdities and the dangerous myths that permeate all our lives.

Yes, his work is photo-shopped and he makes prints of the works to sell.

Finally, a non-coronavirus joke:

Keep Smiling!!

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