Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Valuable Information for Feet

Sara Dhooma is a young Canadian woman who had a life-threatening condition in 2015 and is still living with the risk of an embolism occurring. She decided to take a leave of absence from her work and embark on her life's bucket list of walks all around the world. She is an active YouTuber on these walks which is lovely for the rest of us at home, living vicariously.

Anyway, she has a LOT of experience in more than 70 countries with wild camping, hostels, abergues, trail etiquette and foot care. In the following video she offers her experience on looking after feet on the trail. I thought it was pretty useful information, especially compared to most of the stuff you find online. If you like to walk and want to avoid blisters and the dreaded trench foot, have a look. 

Trench foot, by the way, occurs when feet spend too long in wet footwear. It can crop up in the space of only one rainy day and requires immediate attention. 

P.S. I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here: the antiperspirant on the feet idea is new to me and makes some sense, but I wonder...if I don't want it under my arms, why would I put it on my feet. I have found that Bag Balm, a vaseline-type gel that is lightly medicated, works perfectly for me. I put it on just before I put my socks on and it keeps my feet lubricated all day long. Using it in the winter several times a week keeps my feet soft and my calluses strong until I'm on the trail again.

I get it at Lee Valley, but there might be places where you'd find it less expensive. A little goes a long way.

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