Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Anna McNuff: Barefoot through Britain

Everybody knows I'm passionate about long-distance walking, but I'll make an exception for Anna McNuff who runs, an activity I appreciate but am definitely not passionate about. 

Anna's running barefoot 2620 miles (the distance of 100 marathons!) across Britain for the next 5 and 1/2 months. Because....well, why not!? She hopes to inspire and encourage young girls everywhere to try things that might be difficult or that scare them. 

Adventures and running aren't new for Anna, but running barefoot is. She started out in the north of Scotland, in the Shetland Islands, in early June and is making her way south toward England one bare foot at a time. Along the way, she's meeting up with people who support her cause and would like to run, barefoot or not, alongside for a while. She's especially keen to meet young members of the British Girl Guides, a youth organization that she's an ambassador for. Many nights Anna's being hosted by ordinary people, who, I can't help but feel must have their lives changed just by meeting her.

I'm pretty sure that after you watch the above video, you will agree that Anna is so special and inspirational. You can follow Anna's progress on Twitter: @AnnaMcNuff and on her YouTube Channel.

I think about all the walking I've done, farmers' fields I've traversed and the phenomenal amount of dung I've encountered and wonder how she'll manage to stay healthy. Then there's all the rocks and pointy things. And fatigue. She is indeed attempting something very difficult. The very best of luck and good health to Anna McNuff! Take lots of rest days!

If you're interested in the more technical aspects of running barefoot, which apparently has health benefits, watch the following interview, a bit long but just ff through parts of it you're not interested in.

And because it was just posted to YouTube yesterday, here's the Part 2 video: (haha! It doesn't take long to find out what it's like to step in sheep poo with bare feet. Or to go the wrong way - so frustrating!)

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