Thursday, April 30, 2020

Rewilding the Landscape


This video presents the British project by Knepp Castle Estate in West Sussex to change the type of agriculture from one driven by farmers using fences, fertilizers and current agricultural practices into one that allows the land to revert naturally to a wild state, having mixed livestock, cattle, horses, pigs and deer cohabiting and roaming the entire property, with open access to forests, streams and grassland. 

It seems a very brave thing to do, given how farmers live with so little profit from their land. I'm sure there are differing opinions about the project and downsides to it not mentioned in the video but I still wonder if this could be a model for future sustainable agriculture and the recovering of our beautiful planet from over- and mismanagement by humans.

If you are as enthusiastic about this project as I am, you might want to watch other videos here: Knepp Rewilding Project.

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